I've mentioned Cyberlink's Media show, the software bundled with the Samsung SC-MX20, the problems with it, and why I don't use it.
The main problem is that my "good" computer is Vista. Anything I try to do with MediaShow blows up. A small edit to a two minute video clip takes HOURS to re-compile, if it does at all.
I really want it to work. I really do. There are some features that I think would be great as a companion to Windows Movie Maker, such as the "fix shaky video" option. (The Samsung SC-MX20 does do a small amount of stabilization, very small, but if MediaShow can add some more, that would be great.) There's also option for white balance and others that Movie Maker doesn't have. I don't think I would ever use MediaShow as my main editor, it's just too complex, bloated and hard-drive intensive. But, if I can make a couple of quick edits that Movie Maker can't do, then take the tweaked video to Movie Maker, then that would be awesome.
I tried it again today. I have a 7 minute clip of my son's marching band that I did without a tri-pod. To make it worse, it was stinking cold that night, so the camera is REALLY shaky, beyond what the image stabilzation in the camera was capable of. So I imported the clip into MediaShow and gave it another chance.
The only tweak I made was "Fix shaky video". I hit the back button to save it, and let it go. The counter got to about 50% in 5 minutes or so, but then the countdown timer started to go the other way. When it got to 56% it was telling me it had 3 hours left, and it was still climbing. An hour and a half later it was still on 56%, only now the timer was well over 12 hours, and climbing.
Sigh. I really want this to work. I have another computer, a laptop, very old, that has less than a half gig of memory and runs XP. I use it like a netbook, only using it for the Internet, and even then not any video-intensive tasks. But desperate times and all that, so I installed media show on that. Doing the same edit on the same video took 10 minutes. Boom done.
But the hard drive on that laptop is tiny. And slow. I can't depend on it to do a lot of videos.
Vista, like XP has a compatibility mode. What the heck? Let's give it a try. So I found the shortcut, chose properties and set the compatibility to Windows XP.
Restart the program, find the video, choose the fix, hit the back button and....
Well, when I started writing this post it was at 91%. I thought it would be done by the time I got here. 5 minutes later it's at 91% telling me it has 3 minutes left, but the timer is climbing. Now it's at 3:20. Sigh.
Here's another attempt. You can see that 2 hours have elapsed and it says there is 17 minutes left. When 5 minutes had past it said there was 3 minutes left. It was at 87% then too. The video I'm trying to edit is 2:22 long. (That's two minutes).
Has anyone out there had better luck with this program on Vista? Maybe getting it to work on XP was a fluke? What works for you?
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