So this question has come up as a hit on my site more than any other in the last few days and I thought since so many people are looking for an answer, I'd give them one.
Question: How can I use the Samsung SC-MX20 as a live web cam?
Answer: You can't.
Thank you for playing and have a nice day.
OK. Let's be specific. While the Samsung SC-MX20 would make an awesome web cam, it just wasn't designed to be one. When you plug the camera into the computer, it shuts off every function except the card reader, effectively turning it into an external drive. There is simply no way around it short of jail-breaking the firmware and I don't know if that is possible at all.
There is one way that it might be done, but I haven't tried it and I'm just theorizing: Using the AV out port on your camera and the cord that came with it for that port, you can plug the camera into a computer equipped with video-in functionality. Then, if the computer is configured correctly, you can use the video in as your web cam.
Yes, that's pretty vague. How do you know if your computer has video-in functionality? Well, did you install a piece of hardware that has it? No? Then you don't. It's not something computers are equipped with off the shelf.
Even then, I'm not sure it's possible. I don't know if the AV out will work on a "live" system. I have never tested it on my computer, but I think it only works to play your videos not play the live image.
The Samsung SC-MX20 is simply not designed for that use. And there' s no reason it should be. There are some excellent web cams out there for a whole heck of a lot cheaper than the mx20. The designers focused on making a good digital camcorder. And while they might have fallen short in some areas, I think they were right in keeping the functionality to it's single purpose.
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